Need To Get Packing? Have These Must-Have Supplies Ready

A successful move starts with the packing process. Efficient packing not only makes moving day as stress-free as possible, it also ensures all your precious belongings make it to your new address safely. When the time comes to start packing, have these essential supplies on hand to get your moving experience started off on a positive note.

Rent Plastic Moving Boxes

You will want to rent plastic moving boxes as soon as you know you're going to relocate. Deciding to rent plastic moving boxes instantly provides an extensive range of benefits and advantages. A quality provider of storage containers will deliver as many as you need, in designated sizes, so they are waiting for you whenever you are ready for them. Additionally, choosing to rent plastic moving boxes means you're employing a green resource; these premium quality boxes get returned at the end of your move and can be used again with others who need to relocate.

Purchase Packing Paper And Bubble Wrap

Choosing to rent plastic moving boxes means you won't have to worry about finding cardboard boxes and packing tape. However, you will want to purchase bubble wrap and packing paper to safeguard your items inside the rented storage bins. Want to keep your green streak alive during your move? Opt for packing paper made my recycled newspapers to wrap delicate items.

Get Some Moving Gear

Using rented moving boxes to move will definitely save you money. However, you will want to use the right gear during your move to ensure you don't get injured with all the lifting and transporting you'll be doing. A four-wheel moving dolly is a great tool to have on hand during your move to minimize heavy lifting and potential strain on your body. Also, lifting straps can also help make your move easier. When used correctly, lifting straps can help as few as two people lift and move items that weigh hundreds of pounds safely.

Do you still have questions about the supplies needed for an upcoming move? We can help. Contact BBX Moving today to speak with one of our on-site specialists.